
Former DCCs: Where They've Gone & What They're Doing - Page 12 - Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making

Jenna saying point was "supposed to be hers" made her sound beyond entitled and against everything DCC says they value. They say over and over they are not supposed to expect or demand anything, but be grateful just be there, and Jenna sounded like a complete brat. 

I will say that Jenna was strongly "encouraged" by some of her toxic friends to ask when she was getting point back. Jenna, Erica, Cersten, Keyra, and to some degree Holly were TOXIC MEAN GIRLS. That whole group was so arrogant they thought they could do not wrong. 

They practice several girls at point when it's time for a new one. Jenna had been practicing at point but it was still TC and not set in stone. At that time she acted like it was hers for the taking and it WAS about taking it from whoever else they had practiced there, who just so happened to be Kashara.

If Kashara's name hadn't been high on the list, it was nobody's fault but Erica and Jenna for being dumbasses and getting themselves knocked off the list. 

Also Kashara didn't take anything from Lacey and it is not her fault Lacey was not point. Watch the pro bowl pod cast with those two. Watch how Lacey, who is no doubt talented and beautiful, act timid, sit back, and wait for Kashara to either answer to stop talking. Watch how Kashara has to cue her to go ahead and answert questions. Watch how Lacey looks more like she's watching her reflection in the monitor half the time when Kash or Courtney are talking than paying attention. Watch how Lacey pretty much says nothing but really fake sounding, rehearsed "Oh, I'm just so happy to be here" - yes, I know that's what they're coached to say, but Kashara comes off sparkling and genuine, where Lacey comes off robotic and scared of her own shadow. 

I really have nothing against Lacey. She is an amazingly talented dancer. She always has, however, been shy and set back and let other girls lead. Lacey is not a great leader. She does not step forward until prompted, and is sufficient with her group, reliable, etc., but she's not going to motivate anyone to do much of anything. Lacey is so scared of messing up her hair and makeup, that she's always going to be a little stand offish and not come off like she's ready to get down and dirty to do whatever needs done like say Kashara or even Gina. 

Due to seniority, I'm glad she is G1 leader. Group leaders is one of the only places where seniority matters. I'm glad Lacey got Pro Bowl and think she will be a good rep, but I totally get where somebody with a brighter, bolder personality like Kashara is picked over Lacey. 


Tobi Tarwater

Update: 2024-08-10