'The Bachelor' and 'The Bachelorette': 8 Crazy Contestants

Jan. 4, 2011— -- intro: Since 2002, "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette" have brought some of the most outrageous reality TV moments into homes, while displaying some truly remarkable and often crazy behavior from contestants. To kick off the 16th season of "The Bachelor," we're taking a look back at eight crazy moments from the past 10 years.
quicklist: 1category: title: Brian Duke
url: text: On Season Five of "The Bachelorette," Brian Duke was vying for the attention of Jillian Harris and chose an interesting outfit to attract her gaze: his birthday suit. The IT consultant from Atlanta stripped nude and dove into a pool to impress the Canadian interior designer. She certainly noticed his antics -- he went home that night.
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quicklist: 2category:title: Stacey Elzaurl: text: Grad student Stacey Elza got so plastered on the season premiere of The Bachelor's Season 12 that she handed that season's stud, Matt Grant, her underwear. The incident on "The Bachelor: London Calling" became so notorious that it was dubbed "pantygate." The 26-year-old later said that a combination of nerves and not eating led to her inebriated state. She was let go that night.
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quicklist: 3category: title: Michelle Moneyurl: text: On her quest to win the heart of "The Bachelor" season 11 star Brad Womack, 30-year-old Salt Lake City hairstylist Michelle Money claimed to have had an affair with NBA star Carlos Boozer, woke up with a mysterious black eye, acted aggressively towards the show's other contestants and even stormed off of the set during one "group date." Despite making many enemies among the other contestants with her antics, Money stuck around for weeks before finally getting eliminated on episode seven.
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quicklist: 4category: title: Jeff Medolla
url: text: "The Bachelorette" season seven contestant Jeff Medolla opted to take his face out of the equation while setting his sights on Ashley Hebert. The 35-year-old "entrepreneur" from St. Louis wore a Lone Ranger-like costume mask for three full episodes of the show. The disguise may have actually kept him in the running for while, as he got the boot the night that he finally took it off after Ashley said she was surprised how old he looked sans mask.
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quicklist: 5category: title: Bentley Williams
url: text: Season seven of "The Bachelorette" was full of some crazy moments, but nothing quite topped Bentley Williams' trash talk and ultimate dis on Ashley Hebert. The divorced 28-year-old business owner from Tampa, Fla., openly flirted and got romantically cozy with Hebert, but he privately made derogatory remarks about her, saying he wasn't attracted to her and didn't plan to remain throughout the full season. After his exit, Williams felt the wrath of the show's rabid audience, even reportedly receiving death threats.
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quicklist: 6category: title: Kasey Kahl
url: text: While trying to court Ali Fedotowsky on "The Bachelorette" Season Six, Kasey Kahl, a California State University business graduate, decided to get a tattoo of a shield to impress her that included his motto that he promised to "guard and protect your heart." Once again the grand gesture backfired on the contestant, as the reveal of the tattoo during a snowy mountainside date clearly mortified Fedotowsky, and Kahl was sent packing shortly after.
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quicklist: 7category: title: Rozlyn Papa
url: text: 28-year-old model Rozlyn Papa gaze was not firmly cemented on "The Bachelor" season 14 star Jake Pavelka. Papa allegedly had an "inappropriate relationship" with one of the show's producers. Though she was dismissed from the show following the scandal (as was the producer) she maintains that she did nothing wrong.
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quicklist: 8category: title: Jason Mesnick
url: text: Jason Mesnick shocked viewers of "The Bachelor" season 13 when he reversed his choice after deciding that he'd picked the wrong gal. Although the season finale saw him propose to Melissa Rycroft, he said on "After the Final Rose" that he was truly in love with runner-up Molly Malaney. The two were married in February 2010.
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