Mortal Kombat 1 Kenshi Move List, Fatality & Brutality Inputs
With the help of a spiritual ally, Kenshi uses his katana and swift footwork to take out opponents quickly in Mortal Kombat 1.
First Published August 23, 2023, 15:43
There is a range of fighters from the last three decades of Mortal Kombat showing up in the 2023 release, with Kenshi being a formidable addition. Using his katana and ghostly manifestations, he doesn't need sight to be a considerable threat, as the constant barrage of attacks can be hard to break through for novice players.
Kenshi made his first appearance in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance and Liu Kang saw fit to make sure he was brought back into this universe. His ghostly apparition seemingly Below you'll find the full move list for Kenshi's basic attacks, special moves, and finishers in Mortal Kombat 1.
Table of Contents
Full move list for Kenshi in Mortal Kombat 1
Kenshi didn't make his first appearance in Mortal Kombat until 2002's Deadly Alliance, which sees the Daredevil-like character using his psychic abilities to become a fearless fighter. In past games, his psychic projections proved exceptionally helpful and that has been faithfully recreated in Mortal Kombat 1.
While Kenshi's moveset in Mortal Kombat 1 is likely pretty much ready to ship, there could be changes between the end of the pre-order beta and the launch of Mortal Kombat 1 on Sept. 19. Players may also see more moves unlocked or added when the game launches or as they unlock them in the game's likely unlockable feature from previous games.
All of the following inputs refer to "forward" as toward your opponent and "away" as being in the opposite direction. For full information on the inputs for each punch, kick, block, throw, and more, look in the "Kontrol" section of your pause menu for your specific controller or console.
Basic Attacks
These are the attacks that players will rely on the most with Kenshi and those who plan to use him should try to memorize some combos to make quick work of enemies.
- Stealth Slap: Front Punch
- See No Evil: Front Punch, Back Kick
- Blind Sided: Front Punch, Back Kick, Front Punch
- Belly Buster: Down + Front Punch
- Silent Palm: Back Punch
- Gut Check: Back Punch, Front Punch
- Tamahag-Pain: Back Punch, Front Punch, Back Punch
- Spirit Strike: Away + Back Punch
- Silencing Souls: Away + Back Punch, Back Punch
- Dark Ritual: Forward + Back Punch
- Slice N' Dice: Forward + Back Punch, Back Punch
- Pinned: Forward + Back Punch, Back Punch, Away + Back Punch
- Spirit Away: Forward + Back Punch, Back Punch, Forward + Back Punch
- Deep Stab: Forward + Back Punch, Back Punch, Down + Back Punch
- Rising Fist: Down + Back Punch
- High Kick: Front Kick
- Sneaky Sneaker: Down + Front Kick
- Face Breaker: Back Kick
- Heighten Senses: Back Kick, Back Kick
- Achilles Cutter: Away + Back Kick
- Sweeping Heel: Down + Back Kick
Sento Stance
(Down, Away, Front Punch)
- Disable Spirit Action (While Held): Hold Kameo
- Brutal Bow: Front Punch
- Off Balance: Front Punch, Back Punch
- Blind Justice: Front Punch, Back Punch, Back Punch
- Five Rings Slash: Away + Front Punch
- Transcending Cut: Away + Front Punch, Back Punch
- Quick Laceration: Back Punch
- Don't Blink: Back Punch, Front Punch
- Impaler: Away + Back Punch
- Upper Slice: Forward + Back Punch
- Fading Light: Forward + Back Punch, Back Punch
- Lost Way: Forward + Back Punch, Back Punch, Front Punch
- Rising Blade: Down + Back Punch
- Hammering Heel: Front Kick
- Tibia Tapper: Forward + Front Kick
- Bad Feeling: Forward + Front Kick, Back Punch
- Gutted: Down + Front Kick
- Chest Cracker: Back Kick
- Down The Middle: Back Kick, Back Punch
- Get Back: Back Kick, Back Punch, Front Punch
- Cut Down: Away + Back Kick
- Double Tab: Forward + Back Kick
- Painful Poke: Down + Back Kick
Aerial Attacks
- Quick Swipe: Up + Forward + Front Punch
- Bleeding: Up + Forward + Front Punch, Back Punch
- Spirit Spike: Up + Forward + Front Punch, Back Punch, Back Punch
- Hilting Flower: Up + Forward + Back Punch
- Blooming Blade: Up + Forward + Back Punch, Back Punch
- Booted: Up + Forward + Back Punch, Back Punch, Back Kick
- Flying Boot: Up + Forward+ Front Kick or Up + Front Kick+ Back Kick
Sento Aerial Attacks
(Down, Away, Front Punch)
- Quick Slice: Up + Forward + Front Punch
- Losing Blood: Up + Forward + Front Punch, Front Punch
- Deep Cuts: Up + Forward + Front Punch, Front Punch, Back Punch
- Upper Gash: Up + Forward + Back Punch
- Treated: Up + Forward + Back Punch, Front Kick
- Falling Apart: Up + Forward + Back Punch, Front Kick, Back Kick
- Foot Frenzy: Up + Forward + Front Kick or Up + Forward + Back Kick
- Shove: Forward + Throw or Forward + Front Punch + Front Kick
- Deep Tissue: Throw or Front Punch + Front Kick
- Kombo Breaker: Forward + Block
- Taunts: Down, Down, Down, Down
Special Moves
These attacks are a little more complicated in their inputs, but they're worth it for players who are able to incorporate some of Kenshi's more impressive tactics.
- Ancestral Guard: Down, Forward, Front Punch
- Extend Ancestral Guard: Hold Front Punch
- Ancestral Guard (Cancel): Flip Stance
- Soul Charge: Away, Forward, Back Punch
- Enhanced Soul Charge: Away, Forward, Back Punch + Block
- Demon Drop: Down, Away, Back Punch
- Enhanced Demon Drop: Down, Away, Back Punch +Block
- Close Demon Drop: Down, Away, Back Punch, Away
- Enhanced Close Demon Drop: Down, Away, Back Punch + Block, Away
- Far Demon Drop: Down, Away, Back Punch, Forward
- Enhanced Far Demon Drop: Down, Away, Back Punch + Block, Forward
- Rising Karma: Away, Forward, Front Kick
- Enhanced Rising Karma: Away, Forward, Front Kick + Block
- Force Push: Away, Forward, Back Kick
- Charge Force Push: Hold Back Kick
- Enhanced Force Push: Away, Forward, Back Kick + Block
- Enhanced Charge Force Push: Hold Back Kick
Sento Stance
(Down, Away, Front Punch)
- Summon Ancestor: Down, Away, Front Punch
- Spirit Bop: Front Punch
- Double Dose: Back Punch
- Lunging Soul: Front Kick
- Pekara Punish: Back Kick
- Banish Ancestor: Down, Away, Front Punch
- Spiritual Alignment: Down, Away, Back Punch
- Enhanced Spiritual Alignment: Down, Away, Back Punch + Block
- Soaring Sento: Down, Away, Front Kick,
- Enhanced Soaring Sento: Down, Away, Front Kick + Block
- Teamwork: Down, Away, Back Kick
- Ancestral Assist: Down, Away, Back Kick + Block
Fatal Blow
- Two Heavens Assault: Flip Stance + Block
There are only two finishers currently listed in the Mortal Kombat 1 pre-order beta, and players will likely need to unlock more in when the game fully releases. Those will be added as they are revealed.
- Blended: Forward, Down, Down, Back Punch
- The Klassic: Down + Back Punch
Kenshi has a considerably larger moveset than some of the other fighters due to the Sento Stance that seems to summon an ancestor or some other kind of ghost to assist him in battle. This seems to be hinted at through many of the names of Kenshi's moves in Mortal Kombat 1.