Puns and Dragons - DnD Jokes
You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Hi, I'm Steve.
If you like DnD / Pathfinder related jokes then can I suggest you take a look at my website: www.PunsAndDragons.com.
It is is dedicated to 'single-pane' jokes and one-liners. I add one or two per week and take pride in not taking standard jokes and simply replacing with fantasy characters. (I also post them to Twitter and Facebook page - search for 'Puns and Dragons').
They range from surreal: "I saw an intelligent minotaur recently - or was it an oxymoron?"
Through silly: "I recently saw a bloke throw a lady in a habit - he was a nun-chucker"
To a bit naughty: "I know a masochistic were-sheep - she's a mutton for punishment"
I think / hope you'll enjoy them!
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My campaign has a villain who makes dad jokes, so thank you for these.

Scott DeWar
Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I'm just going to put this right here ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
Last edited: Jan 1, 2018