The Nic MacBean Cup: Celebrating The Legacy Of A Man Who Fought Hard To Love Life
Nic MacBean was the best kind of person.
He loved his family, his friends and had a genuine zest for life. And he loved his cricket.
Sadly, in November 2015, Nic took his own life. He'd fiercely battled depression and used his own experience to start life-changing conversations with others about mental health.
One of those conversations took place in 2008, in Brisbane. Nic and I were good friends, having met a year earlier as young journalists at the ABC. He encouraged me to confront some demons I'd been quietly struggling with on my own. You can read more about that and my fond memories of Nic here. Ultimately, he was a young man with a big heart who deeply cared for others.

His wonderful legacy as a man and an ambassador for mental health continues to touch those who knew him, and even more who didn't.
"Nic's legacies are many but the legacy that he leaves in the field of mental health is that he addressed his illness, he talked about it, he confronted it and he talked to others about it," Roger MacBean said.
"And I think he probably helped a lot of people, and I think he'll keep on doing that."
The Nic MacBean Cup was played on December 1 at Brisbane Boys' College, Nic's alma mater -- a cricket match that raised thousands of dollars in support of beyondblue. Organised by Joshua Langdon and Nic's family, the match pitted the Nic MacBean All-Stars -- friends and Old Boys of the school -- against BBC's first XI squad for 2017.
"Cricket's more than a game, really, it's an ethos. And that match was played in the perfect ethos," Roger MacBean said.
If you need help in a crisis, call Lifeline on 13 11 14. For further information about depression contact beyondblue on 1300224636 or talk to your GP, local health professional or someone you trust.