FIFA 23 trading tips how to earn coins quickly and easily
What are the best FIFA 23 trading tips? Well, if you’re staring at your transfer budget in FIFA 23 wondering how the hell you’re going to afford one of the best FIFA 23 strikers, you’re not alone.
Making money at the start of any FIFA game is a bit of a grind, but with most early-game Squad Building Challenges rewards marked as untradeable, building up a bank of coins in FIFA 23 seems as difficult as ever.
Fortunately for you, we’ve trawled the internet, scoured the forums, and examined the transfer markets to come up with the best FIFA 23 trading tips. These tricks should help you get your foot on the transfer ladder and build your Ultimate Team of dreams.
Looking to make coins fast in FIFA 23? These are our best FIFA 23 trading tips:
Don’t quick sell
At the beginning of any FIFA cycle, we advise you not to quick sell your players. While it’s a quick way of gaining coins, you will always earn more on the transfer market – it just might take you a few tries.
The only time we’d recommend quick selling is for the quick sell recovery strategy (where you quick sell up to five cards, buy and sell a higher-rated card with the profits, and then recover your sold cards with the extra cash). However, you’ll need a lot of disposable income to pull this off, so it won’t be an early-game strategy.
Buy low, sell high
You’ll see a lot of people in the FIFA trading community talking about sniping and it’s a great way of making coins over time. However, it does require quite a lot of thought since you’ll want to snipe players that you know will sell for a profit.
At the moment, rare silver cards and rare gold big-league players are ripe for the picking – so set your buy now filters in the Web App and go hunting for some bargains. Once you’ve picked them up, flip them – just be mindful of the 5% EA tax.
If you’re not sure whether a player is worth the investment, watch a couple of their cards on the market and see what they sell for. When you know the final price, you’ll be able to make a decision.
Later on in the season, scour the market on a Wednesday. Since Team of the Week drops that day, your best chance of securing a high-rated meta player for a decent price will be then.
Bronze pack method
One of the easiest ways of making bank in FIFA is by flipping bronze cards. Since Bronze Packs are relatively cheap (750 coins), many players buy a handful and list their contents on the market.
Of course, the method has been nerfed over the years, but if you do your research and you time things right, you can make an incredible amount of profit on the market – especially if there are SBCs that require bronze rated players.
When you’ve bought a couple of packs, make sure to check the price of every player you’ve packed, and then list them. You can opt to sell consumables like kits, balls, and Tifos – they will sell eventually – but if you’re doing this regularly, you’re going to want to keep your transfer list free for players.
Invest in SBC-specific players
This one is kind of a given, but keeping fodder back ready for the next big SBC is always worth it. Marquee Matchups and weekly SBCs will often have a requirement for players from a specific nation or league, and if you have lots of them, you can sell them at a premium to those looking for free packs.
Sell chemistry styles and position changes
The meta in the early days of FIFA 23 will be fluid and your team will be chopped and changed more times than you care to remember. If you’re looking to make coins quickly, think about selling consumables you have lots of, like chemistry styles and position changes.
Try to keep some back though – you don’t want to have to pay above the odds to complete an SBC at a later date.
So there you have it, all our FIFA 23 trading tips. Hopefully these will help you make some coins so that you can pick up the best FIFA 23 centre backs and best FIFA 23 wingers in the future.