
S13.E01: Keeping the Faith - Blue Bloods

12 hours ago, wlk68 said:

. I get that Frank and the Archbishop wanted to go incognito and that meant not using Uber but to not even bring their cell phones with them was absurd. You can make a gentleman's agreement not to use them but at least have them on you. To be completely out of touch was the absolute height of stupidity

We do feel that way today, but what do you think think people did in pre- cell phone, internet, text, social media days?  They either had to wait until they got home or check in from a pay phone / hotel room phone to find out if anything happened. 

9 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

The writing makes Eddie look crazy.  Omg, something is really off with her.  That obsession with working with her husband is bizarre.  Is she super jealous, insecure or what? It’s not normal.  And the hospital scene……terrible overacting.  Ugh….

That entire scene made me cringy and punchy. I never liked Eddie and so far my dislike is intensified.  Lowly hospital staff, don’t you know that a holy Regan was just brought in and all other patients must take the backseat until he’s tended to and his family is all gathered there to make sure you do so, or else?  An officer with a gunshot wound was just brought in. I think the hospital staff is smart enough to know how urgent that is to get triaged immediately that they don’t need a Danny barking ( paraphrasing) , “ he’s my brother- you need to take care of him!”

And Eddie using Jamie’s shooting as a negotiating tactic with the captain to get her way for her and Jamie to stat in the same precinct was low. Shut your fat a$$ up, Eddie!

9 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Why do I find Erin so irritating?  Its as if she just can’t be pleasant.  Has to disagree.  

Erin’s never grated on me for some reason- not like Eddie. I think it’s her being a by the law attorney in a sea of by the book ( when it suits them) police officers. She always comes across as the bad guy because she follows the law no matter how many times Danny barges in barking at her 

12 hours ago, highway61 said:

The Cardinal at dinner? I did not see that coming!

I think his long history with Frank earned him a spot- certainly before Anthony. But I wish they’d stop with the family rule of whose allowed at the Sunday dinner table. Lighten up a bit. Maybe Baker? Garret? Baez?  They’ve all been loyal colleagues and friends for years to earn an invite 

speaking of Baker, someone had a heavy hand applying her makeup 

the actor who plays Sean appears concerning overweight for such a young age 

police academy enrollment down?  More cops killed last year than on 9/11?  We’ll played, NY. We’ll played. 


Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-07-28