
Fame | Bobby Orr net worth and salary income estimation Mar, 2024

How old is Bobby Orr? When is Bobby Orr's birthday? Where is Bobby Orr born? Where did Bobby Orr grow up from? What's Bobby Orr's age?

Bobby Orr Born: March 20, 1948 (age 75years), Parry Sound, Canada

Is Bobby Orr married? When did Bobby Orr get married? Who's Bobby Orr's married to? (Who's Bobby Orr's husband / wife)?

Bobby Orr Spouse: Margaret Louise Wood (m. 1973)

How about Bobby Orr's parents?

Bobby Orr Parents: Arva Steele, Doug Orr

How about Bobby Orr's number?

Bobby Orr Number: 4 (Boston Bruins / Defenseman)

How about Bobby Orr's career end?

Bobby Orr Career end: 1978

How about Bobby Orr's career start?

Bobby Orr Career start: 1966

How about Bobby Orr's inducted date?

Bobby Orr Inducted date: 1979

Why did Bobby Orr retire?

How good would Orr have been in the day of arthroscopic surgery, in a time of modern medicine and advanced methods of rehabilitation, and if he hadn't been forced to prematurely retire at age 30 when even walking on a flight of stairs left him in excruciating pain?

How many Stanley Cups did Bobby Orr win?

How good would Orr have been in the day of arthroscopic surgery, in a time of modern medicine and advanced methods of rehabilitation, and if he hadn't been forced to prematurely retire at age 30 when even walking on a flight of stairs left him in excruciating pain?

How old was Bobby Orr when he retired from the NHL?

How good would Orr have been in the day of arthroscopic surgery, in a time of modern medicine and advanced methods of rehabilitation, and if he hadn't been forced to prematurely retire at age 30 when even walking on a flight of stairs left him in excruciating pain?


Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-07-30