
How to complete the Equal Vessels (Ir Yt) challenge in Crota's End in Destiny 2

Crota’s End has a few pieces of loot for players to track down, and if they want more drops, the Equal Vessels challenge in the Ir Yût encounter can offer more chances at grabbing loot from the Deathsinger.

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Finishing the Equal Vessels challenge will spawn another chest with loot from that encounter, including the coveted Song of Ir Yût machine gun. If it’s your first time clearing the triumph, you’ll also get one Essence of the Oversoul to put you one step closer to the Necrochasm Exotic rifle.

This challenge takes a page out of the King’s Fall playbook. The encounter triumphs for both the Warpriest and Golgoroth asked players to rotate the buffs throughout the entire fireteam before picking them up again, and this is pretty much what you have to do again.

Here are our strategies, tips, and suggestions for the Equal Vessels challenge in Crota’s End.

Equal Vessels (Deathsinger) challenge guide in Destiny 2

To complete the Equal Vessels challenge, guardians can only pick up the Chalice of Light again after the rest of the fireteam has picked it up. Enlightened guardians can’t grab the Chalice, so be sure to spend any extra Enlightened buffs you may have.

This essentially means you and your fireteam should stick to the same order when picking up or passing the Chalice. You don’t need to have the full order memorized, but it’s helpful to know at least who you’re picking the Chalice from and who you’re passing to. Make sure the first guardians to get the Enlightened buff will do the mechanics, since the buff is a requirement for them.

If you have any spare Enlightened buffs, Expunge Ir Yût before the damage phase ends. Again, Enlightened guardians can’t pick up the Chalice, so Expunging is the only way to get rid of the buff and restore the order (well, the only way without dying).

Equal Vessels (Ir Yût) challenge strategy in Destiny 2

The Equal Vessels challenge may seem tricky, but it’s really about keeping track of the order, which is a built-in part of the fight. In a normal Ir Yût run, you’ll have at least three guardians with the Enlightened buff for the mechanics, and after that, someone will deposit the Chalice. For this challenge, though, the team will quickly pass the Chalice to the other guardians before someone dunks it.

Here’s a suggestion on how to order your fireteam for the first damage phase.

  • First guardian: Grabs Enlightened for mechanics
  • Second guardian: Grabs Enlightened for mechanics
  • Third guardian: Grabs Enlightened for mechanics
  • Fourth guardian: Passes the Chalice or Grabs Enlightened for Expunge
    • In the second damage phase, this guardian gets Enlightened to help with mechanics.
  • Fifth guardian: Passes the Chalice or Grabs Enlightened for Expunge
    • In the third damage phase, this guardian also gets Enlightened.
  • Sixth guardian: Dunks.

The three guardians who will go inside the rooms should pick up Enlightened first. Add-clearers and the guardian(s) who will scout the area for Wizards/Shriekers should be on the lower half of the bracket unless they will also do the mechanics.

No one should have Enlightened when a damage phase ends, so the buff can start rotating in the same order after Ir Yût raises her shield. If that happens and you don’t want to reset, whoever has the buff can jump off the arena or die to lose it.

Ir Yût damage suggestions for Destiny 2

Ir Yût is fairly easy to damage on the normal version of Crota’s End, so odds are you’ll be done with her in two phases. Gear matters less on Normal, so feel free to use anything that’s comfortable. Rockets and/or linear fusion rifles paired with a Divinity seem to be the most common strategy, but you can get away with using Thunderlord.

The Divinity will put in tremendous amounts of work for the Ir Yût fight, since she moves around quite a ton. It’s doubly effective if you’re using precision weapons against her, since the massive critical bubble helps with landing crits. We also recommend using at least one Leviathan’s Breath to flinch her, since it does respectable damage (especially with the corresponding Surge mods).

On Master, you’ll find Barrier Champions in the crystal room, so bring something that can deal with them. Arbalest doubles as a DPS option if you need it, while Wish-Ender can take down Barrier Champions and scout the rooms for Shriekers or Wizards.


Fernande Dalal

Update: 2024-08-13