Having friend with benefits is better than having a girlfriend

Can having a ‘friend with benefits’ work smoothly between two people? Folks delve into the issue of how guys and girls invest differently in a relationship.
You are single and not ready to get into a relationship, yet want to enjoy being with a person of the opposite sex without any sort of commitment. Welcome to the latest concept of friends with benefits. We begin with decoding the term and it means getting involved either physically or casually involved with a person of the opposite sex without any sort of commitment or strings attached.
In simple words it just means having that one special or many special someones you can easily hook up with without any sort of attachment.
Actor Abhay Deol though is not totally against the idea and says these are things that differ from people to people. “I think to each his own. I cannot speak for anyone else but if it works out between two people then why not? I don’t see why anybody else should have an issue with an arrangement between two people.”
Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis’s next release to Hollywood film Friends With Benefits talks about how friendship between two people goes for a toss when they decide to take the next step.
Adding sex to any relationship — casual or not —changes the nature of the relationship. Hooking up randomly with your best pal or any other friend may be a good idea but it can affect the relationship in the long run.
Psychologist Anjali Chhabria feels this affects women more than men. “Women tend to be more emotionally attached resulting in relationships getting strained. It’s possible for men to remain unattached and yet just get physically involved whereas women tend to get emotions into picture. They always want a little more from the relationship and push too far and that ticks off men. It also a trend that I see is on the rise.”
Reema Kapoor, a 19-year-old college student, rubbishes the entire concept of friends with benefits. “It sounds too good to be true but frankly it spoils a healthy friendship between two people. It may be simple to take that step ahead but it gets very difficult to get back to being friends,” she asserts. While 22-year-old Sushan Gokhale is perfectly okay with the adjustment. “This is so much better than having a girlfriend. You are not answerable to anyone, have the space and the freedom and yet all the benefits. I know it is difficult to find women who are of the same wavelength but if you try harder it is perfectly possible.”