When is the release date for Return to Monkey Island? Answered
Gamescom Opening Night Live was chock full of announcements for new games. One of these was the latest trailer for Return to Monkey Island. The game was officially revealed back in April, but this trailer provided fans with some important information: the release date. Let’s take a look at when you’ll be able to get your hands on Guybrush Threepwood’s latest adventure.
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What is the launch date for Return to Monkey Island?
If you just can’t wait to play Return to Monkey Island, we have some good news for you. The game launches on September 19 for Nintendo Switch and PC. At this time, there’s no news about other platforms, but those could potentially be coming somewhere down the line. Either way, that release date means you only have to wait about a month from Gamescom’s announcement before picking it up.
Return to Monkey Island is a throwback to classic adventure games. The team has even brought back the legendary Ron Gilbert to help continue the story. Fans will remember that Gilbert worked on both the original Monkey Island and its sequel, while being one of the more prolific adventure game makers over his long career.
The team promises a return to classic point-and-click gameplay. You’ll also meet new and returning friends and foes along the way as you explore Melee Island. Even though adventure games have changed quite a bit since the last time Guybrush last set sail under Gilbert and his team’s guiding hands, Return to Monkey Island is sure to excite genre fans when it launches on September 19.
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Ricky Frech
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